Meet the Team


You Can Count on Orns to Have the Solutions:

Find your NEXT HOME

You need someone you can trust to work with you to find the right home at the right price for YOU. Community and neighborhood amenities matter – as local experts, we’ll make sure you’re filled-in on everything you need to know about your future neighborhood. We are eager to serve, and will work hard to land you in your ideal home.

Sell Your HOME

When it’s time to move, you need someone who will aggressively market your home, attract prospective buyers, negotiate the purchase contract, oversee the inspections, handle a myraid of details, and supervise the closing. With a proven list price to sale price ratio of 98% (versus 80-85% industry standard), we won’t rest until your home is sold.

Tackle every OBSTACLE

Buyers don’t often visualize living in your home the same way you do. To help you get top dollar, we can make your home attractive to its ideal audience. Home staging, making repairs or minor improvements, even simply painting the walls can make a world of difference. Don’t let your home rest on the market, call Orns today and get it sold ASAP!

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Work With Us

If you’re looking to buy or sell a home on or near the West Coast of Florida, let us help you! Your satisfaction is our top priority. For a stress-free experience, we're here every step of the way. Contact us today to get started.

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